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Themezinho is a team of specialists in the field of Internet technologies.

Our team has all the specialists who are needed to solve your business problem. The experience of Web developers, PHP programmers, designers, SEO optimizers and web analytics in the Themezinho team. Our company has been operating since 2009. We do not have random people, and you can be absolutely sure that high-level specialists working on our products. We strive to be the best for our customers!

What is important to us? To be a reliable support and support for our customers is our rule! We quickly respond to any incoming task and select the most rational solution, saving your time and money.


H. Rifat Pasa Mah. Guler Sok. No:4-8 D:2
Sisli/ Istanbul


We are allways looking talentful developers and designers for our team. So if you wanna be part of our team reach us career@themezinho.net